Stress, Depression, Anger

Here are some resources for you to use to help out with stress, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, bereavement, anger issues and other mental health issues. We are always happy to see you about these kinds of problems and you can bring along a friend or family member for support.

Adult Mental Health Problems

1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health problem at some point in their lives. This is more commonly anxiety, stress, feeling low, depression or anger rather than a condition like schizophrenia or manic depression but just still affect you severely.

Some people prefer to help themselves or want to do that alongside seeing us and so we have produced a list of resources that can be useful in helping you sort things out. These range from web sites and library books to self help groups, counselling and CBT (techniques for learning how to change the way you think about problems).

We have listed some of these resources in the two links below.

Resources for you to use

For help with solving practical problems around things like finance and housing or if  loneliness is a big issue and you’d like to get in touch with other people or clubs or perhaps do some volunteer work then have a look at the excellent Notts Help Yourself site.

Counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Mindfulness

You can contact any of these services. There is often a waiting list so do book early but the skills you can learn can last a lifetime. They are worth contacting even if you have recovered from this episode to help prevent a future episode.

Young people’s Mental Health Problems

There is an excellent collection of resources available for Young People or their parents on the NottAlone site.